Sims 4 Me - Bienchens Mods
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2025-03-15 preview image

Sims will only choose to autonomously put a toddler out of the highchair if the toddler already has the hidden 'left behind in highchair' buff. This should make it easier for your toddler to finish their meal before they are taken out by the next fool.
Please note that high chair interactions are also heavily triggered by the check on toddler interactions. So for best results, you should absolutely consider to install my lessautonomouscheckontoddler mod in addition to this one.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-14 preview image

Sims will be lessed obsessed with viewing sculptures, birth certificates and the like.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-12 preview image

Unflirty Sims will no longer react shocked if the witness other Sims hugging each other.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-11 preview image

Adds additional tests to prevent Sims from using umbrellas indoors. Sims will not (autonomously) use umbrellas in light rain or during a storm. They will get wet less fast in light rain. They will receive less strong negative moodlets from getting wet and no water will drop from their clothes when they are wet.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims will only autonomously talk to plants when they're on their home lot. Only the following Sims will autonomously talk to plants:
- Sims with a gardening skill level of at least 9
- Sims with a gardening skill level of at least 5 and one of the following traits: insane, super green thumb, loner

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-11 preview image

Makes sims check on toddlers less. Toddlers can be fed a bottle of milk without needing a highchair nearby now. The fastertoddlercare module stops Sims from first asking their toddler before they do an interaction (like put to bed, change diaper). There will only be a discussion beforehand if the toddler is not okay with what the Sim wants to do.
Don't install the main module on its own, always install the givemilk package in addition. If you have no interest in the main mod package, you can totally install the other two modules (fastertoddlercare, givemilk) on their own.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-11 preview image

Stops toddlers from making messes autonomously.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-11 preview image

Your played sims won't run inside anymore when there is a storm on their home lot. I also added a test to the interactions so that Sims will not run inside when they are already inside.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-11 preview image

Only Sims with the following traits will play in rain autonomously: toddler, child, childisch, goofball, insane, rain lovers.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims will only start grilling autonomously in the summer Season, and also less frequently than before.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims will only choose to nap in a bed autonomously if they are not really tired. There's a separate package that will let your Sims only choose to sleep autonomously when they are truely tired.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-11 preview image

Disables autonomy for the kick trashcan interaction.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-11 preview image

Stops Sims from autonomously doing push ups and sit ups. For NAP(EcoLiving)-based autonomous behaviour, please don't forget to install my napoverhaul mod on addition.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-11 preview image

Deactivates the neverending clapping that occurs when one of your sims received the ancient joy blessing.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims will only use the slippy slide autonomously if it is hot outside.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims will no longer shovel show autonomously.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-11 preview image

Fixes a bug where Sims would constantly use their bike, even inside, as soon as they have it in their inventory.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-11 preview image

Simple Flirt, compliment appearance and exchange numbers interactions will not be considered a crass act by unflirty Sims anymore. Other romance socials still will.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims will no longer use their phones autonomously.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims will be less prone to using computers autonomously.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims will less often use the watch toddler interaction.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims will no longer do their homework or write in their journals autonomously.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims will no longer age autonomously when they invite you to their birthday party.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-02-18 preview image

Disables autonomous singing.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-02-01 preview image

Makes the idle emotion animations less frequent. This will especially make the flirty idles to appear less in unfitting situations.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-02-01 preview image

Sims will prefer the shower over taking a bath in most cases. The bubble bath will only be chosen autonomously by kids, goofballs, childish an pregnant Sims. The special baths that came with Spa Day are reserved to be autonomously chosen at the relaxation center and will no longer be chosen by your party guests and other visitors.

Autonomy Mods download
2025-01-18 preview image

Disables Sims from jogging autonomously.

Autonomy Mods download
2024-12-28 preview image

Stops Sims from autonomously doing woohoo.

Autonomy Mods download
2024-11-01 preview image

Sims will order less espresso at Coffee Shops. NPC guests will gain less weight from the foods. The espressomashine will get dirty less often and is more likely to get cleaned.

Autonomy Mods download
2024-10-26 preview image

Kids and teens will only take care of the dishes and collect trash autonomously if they have the neat trait or very high responsiblity or good manners (for dishes only).
The mod does not affect cleaning dishes after eating, as this behaviour is dealt with by my noautonomouswashdishaftereating mod.

Autonomy Mods download
2024-10-19 preview image

Modular mod that disables all kinds of autonomous naps. Combine the modules however you like.

Autonomy Mods download
2024-10-19 preview image

Sims will hit stuffed animals less often.

Autonomy Mods download
2024-07-31 preview image

Sims will no longer autonomously perform the holiday socials (air horn, throw confetti, toast,…).

Autonomy Mods download
2024-07-28 preview image

Makes share big news an autonomous interaction. Sims will be able to share big news if they have the positive moodlet from learning about a pregnancy. Works best in coordination with my familymatters-Mod.

Autonomy Mods download
2024-07-27 preview image

Enables autonomy for the first kiss interaction.

Autonomy Mods download
2024-07-27 preview image

Sims will autonomously ask other sims to become their boyfriend/girlfriend.

Autonomy Mods download
2024-04-29 preview image

Sims will autonomously order a wider range of drinks at bars.

Autonomy Mods download
2024-02-25 preview image

Sims will no longer autonomously watch other Sims playing chess.

Autonomy Mods download
2024-02-25 preview image

Sims will be less thirsty. Only plant sims will take glasses of water from the sink. Only Sims with maxed mixology skill will autonomously start crafting drinks at the bar.

Autonomy Mods download
2024-01-27 preview image

Sims will no longer autonomously bake loads of white cake for no apparent reason.

Autonomy Mods download
2023-12-08 preview image

Tunes down autonomous dancing. There are seperate modules for the dances that came with Jungle Adventures and Horse Ranch.

Autonomy Mods download
2023-12-08 preview image

Sims will no longer rush to do the dishes as soon as they've finished the last bite of their food.

Autonomy Mods download
2023-12-08 preview image

Sims will no longer autonomously use the ice cream machine on their home lots.

Autonomy Mods download
2023-12-08 preview image

Sims will no longer autonomously use the popcorn machine on their home lots.

Autonomy Mods download
2023-12-02 preview image

Sims will be less likely to autonomously start new cross-stitching projects all over the place.

Autonomy Mods download
2023-12-02 preview image

Disables the random notifications that Sims you don't actively play discovered a new fish species. The second mod included in the package (noautonomousresearchplant) gets rid of the respective problem with gardening socials.

Autonomy Mods download
2023-12-02 preview image

Sims will be lessed obsessed with autonomously doing yoga.

Autonomy Mods download
2023-12-02 preview image

Sims will high gardening skill will no longer constantly run outside just to find out that no plant in their garden needs tending at all.

Autonomy Mods download
2023-10-21 preview image

Sims will sit at weddings. They will no longer dance while watching the ceremony.

Autonomy Mods download
2023-08-13 preview image

Only Sims that don't like a certain kind of weather will autonomously complain about that weather.

Autonomy Mods download
2023-08-13 preview image

Sims will be less obsessed with playing basketball.

Autonomy Mods download
2023-08-10 preview image

Gardeners will no longer get struck harvesting the same plant all over again in public spaces or on Community Lots.

Autonomy Mods download
2023-07-23 preview image

Deactivated the autonomous random idles elder sims frequently do.

Autonomy Mods download
2023-07-23 preview image

Greatly reduces the preference idles that are one of the responsible idles that will block your Sims from doing what you actually told them.

Autonomy Mods download
2023-07-22 preview image

Close friends and relatives share bathrooms without ado.

Autonomy Mods download
2023-03-14 preview image

Only toddlers will play autonomously with toys placed in their inventory with this mod. Theres also a second mod (noplayfrominventoytoddler) that will disable autonomy for toddlers as well.

Autonomy Mods download
2022-10-16 preview image

Only Sims that are either in a bad mood or do have the neat/proper/squeamish trait will react to messes with this mod.

Autonomy Mods download
2022-10-01 preview image

Only foodies and gluttons will idle react to the smell of food with this mod.

Autonomy Mods download
2022-09-02 preview image

I don't get why EA decided to setup NPCs to randomly show up in a very angry mood for no reason, but I disabled it.

Autonomy Mods download
2022-08-07 preview image

Sims will no longer play cards autonomously on residential lots.

Autonomy Mods download
2022-07-18 preview image

Disables NPC walkbys from autonomously swimming in open water – and especially from walking around in their swimwear through the entire neighborhood for said purpose.

Autonomy Mods download
2022-06-15 preview image

This mod deals with the new neighborhoodstories (NS) feature.
There's a separate module for each NS feature. Only choose 1 file for each feature, but you can totally mix and match different types of solutions for different features (e.g. disable one feature, just fix another and restrict another feature to never played sims).
For each call based feature, you can choose ONE of the following files:
disabled: Will get rid of the feature completely
justfixed: Will just fix wonky features like toddlers receiving calls or your significant other calling to tell you they found a ring in your bag.
onlyneverplayedsims: Only Sims you have never played will eligible for the NS feature. (Feature fixes are already included in that one.)
For each of the new socials, you can choose ONE of the following files:
disabled: Will get rid of the social completely
actions: The social will be shifted to the "actions" tab so you won't accidentally click it.

Autonomy Mods download
2022-05-07 preview image

Sims will no longer choose sit on the pool edge when it's cold.

Autonomy Mods download
2022-04-09 preview image

Sims will no longer autonomously play in ponds. There's a version where Sims will go in the pond with naked feet (requires the WellnessGP) and another version where they will autonomously play in ponds but with naked feet only (also requires the WellnessGP).

Autonomy Mods download
2022-01-09 preview image

Reduces autonomous swinging.

Autonomy Mods download
2021-12-07 preview image

Sims will no longer react shocked when seeing other Sims naked - or wearing CC that has falsely been tagged as naked.

Autonomy Mods download
2021-11-05 preview image

Sims will no longer autonomously decide to shower in the rain.

Autonomy Mods download
2021-08-21 preview image

Sims will only autonomously light a fireplace if they are actually in danger of freezing to death.

Autonomy Mods download
2021-08-05 preview image

Sims aged teen or older will more often lounge in the kiddie pool autonomously.

Autonomy Mods download
2021-07-24 preview image

Only Sims with the traits good or good manners will react to another Sim’s swearing.

Autonomy Mods download
2021-06-13 preview image

Deactivates most situations in which hands hygiene is reduced. Thus your Sims will mostly only autonomously wash hands after peeing.

Autonomy Mods download
2021-05-01 preview image

Sims will be less obsessed with constantly praising their pets.

Autonomy Mods download
2021-03-11 preview image

Sims will no longer laugh while they're sleeping.

Autonomy Mods download
2020-12-30 preview image

Sims will no longer be obsessed by thinking of their family members.

Autonomy Mods download
2020-12-26 preview image

Pets will explore bushes less often with this mod.

Autonomy Mods download
2020-11-14 preview image

Stops Sims from swiping.
For NAP(EcoLiving)-based autonomous behaviour be sure to use my napoverhaul mod.

Autonomy Mods download
2020-06-05 preview image

Stopps toddlers from playing autonomously in toilets.
There's a separate package which stops pets from playing in toilets as well.

Autonomy Mods download
2020-06-05 preview image

Sims will no longer react to the first snow.

Autonomy Mods download
2020-04-17 preview image

Fixes the bug that Sims want to pet their sims several times in a row.

Autonomy Mods download
2019-11-17 preview image

Stops Sims from autonomously playing with clay.
For NAP(EcoLiving)-based autonomous behaviour, please don't forget to install my napoverhaul_promotecreativearts as well.

Autonomy Mods download
2019-11-17 preview image

Sims will autonomously sing karaoke at regular bars. Sims will also behave less inappropriate when at bar and club venues.

Autonomy Mods download
2019-05-28 preview image

Disables the idle animations children and up do if they gained one of the happy toddler traits.

Autonomy Mods download
2019-02-03 preview image

Disables autonomous appraisal of autographs.

Autonomy Mods download
2018-12-18 preview image

Sims autonomously use the espresso bar on community lots (retail, park, museum, pool, library, artscenter, spa, chalet gardens) if a barista is present.

Autonomy Mods download
2018-11-20 preview image

Reduces autonomous NPV grilling in the open areas of a neighbourhood as one of the main factors of your Sims getting fat while you're playing other households.

Autonomy Mods download
2018-11-14 preview image

Sims will order food at market stalls less often.

Autonomy Mods download
2018-10-03 preview image

Disables the self interaction that is forced on your sims each time a holiday goal is completed.

Autonomy Mods download
2018-07-04 preview image

Sims will no longer autonomously use the box of decorations.

Autonomy Mods download
2018-06-22 preview image

Stops Sims from autonomously relieve their bladder using bushes.
The second mod (noautonomoussleepinbush) stops autonomous napping in bushes.

Autonomy Mods download