Sims 4 Me - Bienchens Mods
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2025-03-21 preview image

When a Sim completes a resolution, the camera will no longer autonomously switch to that Sim. There are separate packages that disable camera focus on the death of animals as well.

Seasons download
2025-03-15 preview image

Removes the glowing outline around the hobby meetup sign in Nordhaven.

Businesses and Hobbies download
2025-03-15 preview image

Similar to the Sims 2 style, plants will only go dormant in winter with this mod, so your sims can harvest from spring to autumn. There's an separate package for the herbs in Granite Falls, which will not go dormant at all.

Seasons download
2025-03-15 preview image

Sims can immediately activate and deactivate utility bots as long as they are placed on the ground.

Discover University download
2025-03-15 preview image

Tweaks the criminal career to make it easier to detect a criminal. The criminal can now be identified by special idle animations he/she performs. Also, no more hidden decoy Sims will be created that lead to false convictions (and afterwards fill your save with unneeded, ugly Sims).
With the filepaperwork module, you can reset a case that is bugged for some reason by doing filepaperwork on the computer.

Get to Work download
2025-03-12 preview image

Athletic wear will keep your Sims warm when it's cold outside, because they are doing workout or have just done. Also works for career and situation outfit.

Seasons download
2025-03-11 preview image

With this mod, your horses fun need will decrease slower and increase at a faster rate.

Horse Ranch download
2025-03-11 preview image

Adds a greater diversity of speech bubbles for the new date activity related social interactions.

Lovestruck download
2025-03-11 preview image

More competitors will participate in the Finchwick village fair.

Cottage Living download
2025-03-11 preview image

Makes it easier to befried mini goat and sheep. Also works for the Cottage Living animals. Requires either Horse Ranch or Cottages Living.

Horse Ranch download
2025-03-11 preview image

When your sims drink festival tea, they will get an energy boost which helps them to stay longer at the festival.

City Living download
2025-03-11 preview image

University students can now go on vacation. I mainly made this mod because going to University takes so very long in The Sims 4 and I at least wanted my Sims to still be able to enjoy a vacation on week-ends.

Please be aware that they will - just like real life university students - not actually get days off. You will have to live with the result if you miss classes due to being on vacation.

I recommend you do not miss any classes in which you have to take an exam at the end of the term because the game will not trigger the final exam unless you have attended a minimum of 3 classes on the subject. This EA tuning is not affected by my mod.

Discover University download
2025-03-11 preview image

Participate in competions and horse skill classes by clicking on the horse feeder.
I hated the fact that you need that chunky Community board in order to send your horses to skill training, participate in a horse competition or in some ranch related side hustle.
As the horse feeder is an object that I have available on all my ranches anyway, I decided to add these interactions from the community board to the horse feeder as well, so you won't need to buy a Community board or travel the Chestnut Ridge Horse Center in order to do these thinks.
The best part is that Sims can put the horse feeder in their inventory, so you can just pull it out whenever you feel like doing a horse competition or sending your horse away for some extra skill gain.

Horse Ranch download
2025-03-11 preview image

This small mod replaces the surprise battle royale and prank holiday by the suprise skill holiday.

Seasons download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims will be more likely to sit down during a lounge event, e. g. the starlight event.

Get Famous download
2025-03-11 preview image

Beachtowels will no longer become unusable after a short time.

Island Living download
2025-03-11 preview image

Gardening group members will no longer harvest autonomously.

Get Together download
2025-03-11 preview image

Cows, lamas and chickens can now be bought on every lot.

Cottage Living download
2025-03-11 preview image

Unlocks all the new Lovestruck costume and dress other Sims up functions to be available at every dresser.

I especially love the option to choose a dress code for all of my Sims during an event or a holiday, but I don't want to have that costume box in each and every household, so I made this mod.

Lovestruck download
2025-03-11 preview image

This mod increases the number of guest you can invite for a funeral from 8 to 19. Please note though that you cannot have more than 20 Sims in total at a funeral unless you use a mod that allows for that.

The mod also stops random Sims from showing up at graveyards during a hosted funeral event.

Life and Death download
2025-03-11 preview image

Disable romance socials for your active Sim except for their partner with one click.
Sims will only be able to do romantic interactions with Sims they are in a romantic relationship as soon as you enable the interaction. Simply click on your Sim to disable the attraction settings.
If you want the romance socials back for whatever reason, click on your active Sim again and enable them. Both are immediate interactions, so it's absolutely easy to use this mod at your convenience.
I got so mad by constantly fearing to click on a romantic interaction by accident so I made this mod. Call me boring, but for most of my Sims, I like to keep them in an exclusive relationship. I was intrigued when seeing that Lovestruck added an interaction to enable and disable attraction settings, but disappointed when I realized that it would stop cheaty flirting for the Sim I disabled cheaty attraction for.
This mod does NOT need any translations as I used an in-game interaction and just tweaked it.
Please note that this will of course still work on a Sim that is not actively played (anymore), the Sim just need to be active when making the attraction setting, the setting will then be saved until you change it again.

Lovestruck download
2025-03-11 preview image

Allows toddlers to go to Services. Note: If the whole family leaves the lot to go to Services, you will however be required to call a babysitter despite your toddler actually not being at home.

Seasons download
2025-03-11 preview image

Makes more children appear at beach lots. The effect is stronger for lots with the "childsplay" lot trait.

Island Living download
2025-03-11 preview image

If your Sim has the mentor reward trait they will no have all skill teaching interactions available that are normally reserved to Sims in the education career.

Discover University download
2025-03-11 preview image

The Sim (team) will only need 3 - instead of 5 - goals to win a match.

Get Together download
2025-03-11 preview image

Online and multiplayer console games will be finished earlier.

City Living download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims can now not only call household pets to meal, but also other nearby pets they have met.

Cats and Dogs download
2025-03-11 preview image

Shift click on your horse to send them back to their home lot at any given time.

I made this to cope with the bug that horses often tend to just autonomously accomany your Sim to events like prom, dates and such, which I do find so annoying.

Horse Ranch download
2025-03-11 preview image

NPC Sims will now do a wider range of interactions autonomously when you visit a beach lot.

Island Living download
2025-03-11 preview image

Enables the enact venue policy cheat to work without your Sims having to live in the same neighbourhood.

Eco Lifestile download
2025-03-11 preview image

Reduces the moodlet values for negative emotions that are triggered by lifestyle neglect from previously 3 and 5 to 1 and 2.

Snowy Escape download
2025-03-11 preview image

Smothens the infant care interactions.
lesscheckoninfants - Sims will react better to their baby and will not check on them quite as often (they will still do so, though). The same also applies to newborns.
needs - less diaper blows, high chair foods will raise hunger more, infants will need less sleep once they have certain milestones
milestones - accelarates especially the crawl and pull up to stand milestone.
socials - fixes some oversights with some infant-related social interactions beetween older Sims and also adds speech bubbles for those.

Growing Together download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims will gain more DJ mixing skill from watching a dj for half an hour.

Get Together download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims will now be able to call other Sims over to drink ranch nectar. You have to click on the nectar bottle to do this. Make sure to first let a Sim pour all 4 glasses of a bottle, otherwise some Sims might end up drinking from the bottle instead of grabbing a glass of nectar.

Horse Ranch download
2025-03-11 preview image

Removes the cooldown between rolling new matches for the Cupid's Corner App

Lovestruck download
2025-03-11 preview image

Edits the buy gift option of your Sims phone to include all fruits, vegetables and herbs, several fishes, species, spice, flowers, insects, honey, wellness treat, laptops, bikes, beach towels, jungle equipment, university homework, pet eqipment and other stuff.
Especially helpful for: vacation, jungle, sick pets, active work as a Scientist and much more.

Seasons download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims can now order ordinary ice cream at Seasons market stalls (Cool Kitchen Stuff Pack required). The additional package will allow you to also buy icecream at islandBBQ stalls. You will need the main package for it to work, though.

Seasons download
2025-03-11 preview image

Changes the bartender outfit for Sulani.

Island Living download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims can now also buy candle dye and wax on Community Lots.

Eco Lifestile download
2025-03-11 preview image

Coffee will be much stonger if drunk on the Get to Work career lots so that Sims can gain enough energy for their daily tasks.

Get to Work download
2025-03-11 preview image

This mod adds a few horse rider walkbys in some other worlds than Chestnut Ridge.

Horse Ranch download
2025-03-11 preview image

Disables playing video games on phones from being considered a group interaction.

Get Together download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims can now use the costume trunk to change into funeral attire themselves or call other Sims to change into funeral attire. If you have more packs then just the Base Game, download my funeralattire mod in addition for more clothing choices.

Lovestruck download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims not in the gardening career can also do nature walks and will gain gardening skills from doing it.

Seasons download
2025-03-11 preview image

Changes some of the top level food dishes (e.g. Winter Cake, Crownroast and experimental food dishes) to grand meals so that your Sims will have more choices when fulfilling that holiday tradition.
moregrandmeals_tradtiontweak: The holiday goal grand meal will be fulfilled when a Sim starts eating, he doesnít need to finish the meal.

Seasons download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims will autonomatically wear black funeral wear if you do not set another dress code for your funeral, not just their regular formal wear (which will in most cases not be very fitting for funerals).
Please note that only tha Base Game clothing that is available for this mod is inclued in the main file.
If you have more packs, I strongly advise you to get the respective funeral attire modules for more outfit choices.

Life and Death download
2025-03-11 preview image

Your Sims will burn/freeze to death slower with this mod.

Seasons download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims will no longer sing in showers as a group interaction.

Get Together download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims can buy pet treats from their computers (in the medicine sub menu) with this mod.

Cats and Dogs download
2025-03-11 preview image

Sims will now sit down during a sleeping bag story, preferably on the floor.

Growing Together download
2025-03-11 preview image

With this mod, celebrities will no longer invade all lots in your neighbourhoods. The mod also reduces the generation of new townies significantly. The only Sims that will be generated are those with special traits or careers required. The mod comes with several modules so you can temporarily get rid of modules if you feel you need more Sims of a certain kind.
Only install one version of the unimportantsims package. Please also make sure you only use on of the pet related packages: either nonewpetstrays or nohiddenpetstrays.

townieoverhaul_lessfame: Main file. The other modules can be used without this if you wish.
townieoverhaul_lessfame_ecoinspectorgreenfiend: Stops generation of eco inspectors and fills this role with any existing Sims with the green fiend trait.
townieoverhaul_highschool: The game will fill all high school student roles with existing teenage sims instead of creating new ones. It will prefer filling the roles with teenagers your teenager has a good relationship with. It will also take existing Sims working in the respective careers for career day instead of creating new ones.
townieoverhaul_lessnewdoctorcoworkers: Reduces doctor coworker generation, but only to a point where it does not inflict with gameplay.
townieoverhaul_lessnewislander: No new island locals will be spawned. The game may recruit townies and give them the islander trait, though.
townieoverhaul_lessvetemployers: Reduces vet employee generation, but only to a point where it does not inflict with gameplay.
townieoverhaul_nobear: Stops bear Sims from spawning in Granite Falls and in Bars. The game will only use existing Sims with the bear trait if available.
townieoverhaul_nonewaliens: Stops the game from spawning alien walkby. Sixam and Scientist gameplay remains intact.
townieoverhaul_nonewbarflys: The game will no longer generate new townies as barflys, but will only use existing Sims that meet the requirements.
townieoverhaul_nonewbots: The game will no longer generate any bots, it will still use existing ones, if you have any.
townieoverhaul_nonewcitylivingweirdos: Stops the game from generations so called weirdos in San Myshuno, which will roam the city in the bathrobes, wrestler mask or raccoon costumes. The game will still use existing townies with the weirdo trait, if available.
townieoverhaul_nonewdetectivecoworkers: The game wil give existing Sims the detective career instead of spawning new detective coworkers. The chief detective will still be spawned.
townieoverhaul_nonewforestranger: The forest ranger will no longer be spawned. If you already have one, that Sims will continue to be used.
townieoverhaul_nonewfoxes: Disables new foxes from being spawned, existing foxes will still be used.
townieoverhaul_nonewgardeners: The game will not spawn no more gardeners, but continue to use existing ones.
townieoverhaul_nonewhorsetrainer: The game won't spawn new horse trainers, existing ones will continue to work as expected though.
townieoverhaul_nonewhsteachers: Stops the game from spawning new High School Year teachers. This will also include the judges for the high shool year events, so beware.

Get Famous download
2025-02-03 preview image

Disables the green cloud effects evapouring from dirty chicken.

Cottage Living download
2025-02-01 preview image

Fixes a bug where squemish Sims would roll the bucket list goal to have a dumpster woohoo even though the game does not allow for them to actually have one.

Life and Death download
2025-02-01 preview image

Makes caring for livestock easier. Can also be combined with my lessautonomousclean_cowlama mod.
lessdirtyanimals - Livestock will get dirty less fast.
fastercleanshed - Cleaning the cow/lama shed is faster.
fasterrefillshedfeed - Filling the shed feed is faster.
lessdirtysheds - Sheds will not get dirty as fast when the cow/lama stays inside.
lesshungryanimals - Livestock will be less hungry.

Cottage Living download
2025-02-01 preview image

Lot Challenge that comes with a chance of deteriorating furniture.

I modified the gremlins lot challenge for this mod, which is otherwise pretty annoying.

With my mod, instead of all objects breaking every single night, there will be a 10 percent chance of all of your scratchable objects (e.g. sofas, beds) will become scratched/worn if all your Sims are asleep at midnight.

I like to give this lot challenge to my Sims if I want them to struggle financially / look poor.

I used the scratching objects feature that came with Cats & Dogs for this mod. When objects are scratched, they will have scratches all over them and you can remove these scratches by reparing them for money.

I find this much more sensible than having to repair dozens of objects each day and most probably dying in the process of doing so.

City Living download
2025-02-01 preview image

Sims will no longer obsess with heirlooms as soon as you have designated an object to be an heirloom. By default, the would wander off at any time to think about the Sims who created the heirloom.

Life and Death download
2025-01-18 preview image

This mod tweaks lifestyles so that they are less annoying and more varied. It consists of several modules that can be combined just as you wish.
There is one file for each lifestyle / pair of lifestyles (work, coffee, food, traveler, inoutdoorsy, technic, friends, adrenaline, sedentary, energetic). This module tweaks lifestyles to be more varied so that not every Sim gets the same lifestyles and some lifestyles can hardly ever be achieved. It also gets rid of some minor annoyancs like workaholic Sims heading off to work whenever left unattended.
For instance, the friends module will take in account only good friend to determine whether a Sim get the cofidant lifestyle. The cap is at four good friends, near family member do not count. On the other hand, Sims will need at least 18 good friends (no near family members) to achieve the networker trait.

Snowy Escape download
2025-01-18 preview image

Disables the venue date couples that came with Lovestruck, because as much as I tried, I just find them so annoying.

Lovestruck download
2025-01-18 preview image

The lot trait sunny aspect now guarantees sunny weather for at least 24 hours after (re)entering a lot. Even without the lot trait, it will no longer rain during romance, humor and jinks and nerd festival.

Seasons download
2025-01-18 preview image

Fixes a bug where there would be no vendor at the food stall in the Horse Ranch world.

This bug has been around since the Horse Ranch release and EA never bothered to fix it.

Horse Ranch download
2025-01-18 preview image

With this mod, your horse will be immediately called to the horse ball as soon as you click the interaction. Moreover, your horses will be more likely to use the horse ball autonomously. That way, it is easier to keep your horses fun need at a higher level, especially as horses cannot by controlled directly by you as a player.

Required Packs: Horse Ranch

Compatiblity: Will conflict with any mod that alters these tuning files:
autonomous_ObjectPicker_Horses_PlayWithBall (348117)
HorseToy_SimCallHorseFromBall (328981)

Horse Ranch download
2025-01-14 preview image

Enhances the changes of successfully dealing with roaches and flies so you can now actually use the cool Recylcle lot trait that brought these features back.

Eco Lifestile download
2025-01-14 preview image

Sims will no longer use the soccer ball autonomously.

Discover University download
2025-01-14 preview image

This mod provides for an easier and smother learn to bike interaction.

- Based on your kid's current mood (energized, focused and confident work best) and their motor skill, kids will learn biking faster.

- They will also do so without any of the above as with the EA tuning it takes literally days to learn biking, which is insane given the lifespan of Sim kids.

- This mod also repairs the learn to bike interaction, but you will still have to send both Sims outside first and then click on the bike in the inventory of the kid and choose help to ride bike from there, otherwise it will not work.

Growing Together download
2024-12-28 preview image

Sims won't earn career performance faster if they progress in their bucket list.

They also won't get the computer purchase discount.

I enjoy fulfilling bucket list goals, but I just don't like to play with a bunch of overachiever Sims afterwards that don't have to put effort in anything anymore.

TS4 is far to easy for players that come from TS1-TS3 anyways.

Life and Death download
2024-12-28 preview image

Fulfilling aspiration goals will no longer add to your bucket list.

Life and Death download
2024-12-28 preview image

Fixes a bug where Sims were unable to fulfill the climb mountain bucket list goal.

Life and Death download
2024-12-28 preview image

Sims won't live longer if they progress in their bucket list.

Life and Death download
2024-12-28 preview image

Fixes a bug where your Sims were unable to achieve gold level at funerals.

Life and Death download
2024-12-28 preview image

Fulfilling wants will no longer add to your bucket list.

Life and Death download
2024-12-28 preview image

Sims won't earn skills faster if they progress in their bucket list.

I enjoy fulfilling bucket list goals, but I just don't like to play with a bunch of overachiever Sims afterwards that don't have to put effort in anything anymore.

TS4 is far to easy for players that come from TS1-TS3 anyways.

Life and Death download
2024-12-28 preview image

Because of the Get Famous Events showing up in the calender, you are unable to plan events from the Calendar on most days of the week, especially Saturday and Sunday, because all Get Famous Events events will block the ability to plan an event.

This is a hotfix for this issue. By removing these events from the calendar, you can plan events again. The events will still take place normally when you travel to the lot they're hosted at or when you are invited out to them.

If you just want to install this mod to have a cleaner calender, that is also totally fine.

Get Famous download
2024-12-28 preview image

Sims won't earn satisfaction points faster if they progress in their bucket list.

Life and Death download
2024-12-28 preview image

The will be no more clapping and cheering after mournful eulogys with this mod.

Life and Death download
2024-12-28 preview image

Tweaks the EA weather so that rain will be less likely. A second package (sims4me_lesssnowmoresun) makes snow less likely.

Seasons download
2024-12-28 preview image

Fixes a bug where it would be impossible to fulfill the steam room woohoo bucket list goal.

Note that this will unfortunately not repair the steam room woohoo (which is currently broken), it will just fulfill the bucket list goal even if the interaction glitches out. That way, your Sims will at least not be struck with a bucket list goal they cannot fulfill.

Life and Death download
2024-12-28 preview image

Decreases the pace in which your Sims progress in their souls journey, because it is just way to easy to fulfill the souls journey, especially as you also get points for completing aspiration goals, not only bucket list goals. Considering the rewards you get from leveling up, this should actually be quite hard and not be achieved by just doing a regular day-to-day gameplay, imo.
There are two versions, version 1 decreases progress by 80%, version 2 only by 50%. Only install one version at the same time.

This mod is not compatible with my mod that will not let you gain progress from completing aspiration goals.

Life and Death download
2024-12-28 preview image

Bugfix for the talk dead language social interaction.

Sims will less often react negatively to the interaction
they will also react less strong if they react negatively
macabre Sims will less often use the interaction autonomously
the interaction will be less prominent in the pie menu
I also fixed a bug where the social interactions that come with the macabre trait would not count towards the Lovestruck date social interactions

Life and Death download
2024-11-03 preview image

Adds some vegetables, herbs et al. EA forgot to the grocery stand.
Note: Produce that has been assigned for use with this mod will be seen as CC by the game.

City Living download
2024-11-03 preview image

Disables the pop-up on the notification board that frequently advertises Cupid's Corner.

Lovestruck download
2024-11-01 preview image

Paired dancing at high school will now properly count as dancing with regard to skills, likes and dislikes,...
Now unlocked for the older ages as well.

High School Years download
2024-11-01 preview image

With this mod, Sims will always be able to do the group sing and wear costume interctions. Sims will also always be able to sing together by clicking on fireworks, cakes and presentpiles.

Seasons download
2024-10-26 preview image

Gives you back your sanity when playing with cats and dogs. All packages are freely combinable.
nosickrotations - Pets will not be sick when you visit/rotate to another household. They will only get sick on very rare occasions. Sick pets at the vet are unaffected.
nosickfilthystrays - Strays and pets appearing on Community lots will not be sick and filthy.
commodities - Gives more variety as to the motives of your cats and dogs when loading a household.
quirks - Pet fears and obsessions concerning certain objects will no longer be such a nuisance.
pettopet - Pets interact more with each other.
Replaces the following of my mods that will no longer be updated: lessfilthydogwalkers, lessplayedpetsickness
Important note: The mod will only start working after you once cured those pets that the game already had market as being sick before installing the mod.

Cats and Dogs download
2024-10-26 preview image

Alters the Windenbourg weather to allow for leaves on the ground during the whole season of fall.

Seasons download
2024-10-19 preview image

Sims with a romance dynamic will not longer be unable to sleep because they are thinking about their partner so much.

This mod tunes down the partner thoughts interaction quite a bit.

It makes it less frequent and also prevents it from happening when your Sims is asleep, not feeling well (e.g. embarrassed, angry, uncomfortable) or just focussed.

Lovestruck download
2024-10-19 preview image

You can now set custom relationships for Sims of all ages.

Lovestruck download
2024-10-19 preview image

Fulfilling midlife crisis goals will be more effective in shortening your Sims' crisis with this mod installed.

Growing Together download
2024-10-19 preview image

Sometimes Sims will be unable to correctly clean up scorch marks left after a fire or thunderstorm. This mod enhances the respective tuning file.

Seasons download
2024-10-19 preview image

Sims will no longer get a midlife crisis with this mod.

Growing Together download
2024-09-21 preview image

Eco footprint changües will take twice as long with this mod.

Eco Lifestile download
2024-08-17 preview image

Sims can now play football without ruining their relationship by constant failure.

High School Years download
2024-08-02 preview image

Sims can congratulate others on their promotion, brag about their own promotion, talk or complain about work. Sims will get to know the carreer of the target sim if they talk or complain about work.

Get to Work download
2024-07-27 preview image

Reduces the amount of horse manure.

Horse Ranch download
2024-06-22 preview image

Enables the progress bar when writing a term paper so you can see when your Sims will finish working on their term papers.

Discover University download
2024-06-22 preview image

Working hard at work will increas your Sims fame a bit.
With version 1 Sims will gain just a little fame to avoid a loss of the current star level while at work whereas version 2 is a bit more cheaty, It will give a more significant fame boost.
Choosing the slack off option at school will earn your pupils some fame (separte slackoffearnsfame package).

Get Famous download
2024-06-22 preview image

Turtle hatching will be sheduled weekly on Mondays, 8 a. m.

Island Living download
2024-06-22 preview image

The vendor at the cafeteria will mostly stand still instead of constantly yelling and advertising.

Discover University download
2024-04-29 preview image

With this mod, your Sims can still sell cats and dogs even though they are no longer kittens/puppies.

Cats and Dogs download
2024-04-14 preview image

The barista will actually serve tea during the poetry event in case there is a clean (My Wedding Stories) teaset nearby.

Discover University download
2024-04-14 preview image

Sims are getting ill less frequently. After having cured an illness with medicine, they'll be immune for some time.

Get to Work download
2024-04-14 preview image

Sims will be now able to scold/lecture all pets they have met. Scolding pets will also affect conflict resolution for teens, comforting will affect their empathy.

Cats and Dogs download
2024-04-14 preview image

Unlocks the release skylatern for every Sim.

For Rent download
2024-03-02 preview image

Tunes down the reaction to celebs a bit. Especially DJs will no longer constantly forget about their task. When a star starts posing, they will still cheer a bit, but will go back on duty quickly. Sims who are at lest good friends or closely related to a star, will react less like fans.

Get Famous download
2024-02-25 preview image

Makes burnouts less of a nuisance.

Growing Together download
2024-02-10 preview image

Sims no longer have to run towards the horse feeder in order to call a horse to eat.

Horse Ranch download
2024-02-10 preview image

Dog walkers will show up outside Brindleton Bay.

Cats and Dogs download
2024-02-10 preview image

Preferences and lifestyles will now have an effect on whether your Sims cares for a certain holiday tradition or not.

Seasons download
2024-02-10 preview image

Fixes the bug that Sim kids will not actually get a new marble when they successfully play for keeps.

For Rent download
2024-02-10 preview image

This mod lets you interrogate Sims outside the police career. You will find the arrest interactions under the actions tab. After arresting a sim, you can interrogate them and put them into a cell if they are found guilty.

Note that this mod has some minor issues due to the limitations of the used original interactions that aren't really meant to be used outside their regular context. Also note that you will need to have a cell door and an interrogation table placed on the lot you use.

There is a clone of the mega table included in the mod that can work as an interrogation table on more ancient settings, like in a medieval save.

Get to Work download
2024-02-10 preview image

Reduces the number of fox visits for the fox challenge.

Cottage Living download
2024-02-10 preview image

Sims will no longer autonomously use the slow cooker on residential lots.

For Rent download
2024-01-21 preview image

With this mods, your Sims will not keep their autogenerated snow/ski boots on for too long after they finished skiing/snowboarding

Snowy Escape download
2024-01-21 preview image

This mod completely disables the property owner events as the toggle in Game Settings currently only works for tentant events.

For Rent download
2023-12-31 preview image

Reduces the idle time spans during a snowball/waterballon/mudfight.

Seasons download
2023-12-07 preview image

Unlike Sims 3, Sims 4 horses will never choose to do barrel or jumping training on their own. With this mod, your Sim will no longer have to walk near the obstacle in order to instruct their horse to improve their barrel and jumping skills. Just use call to obstacle from everywhere you like!

Horse Ranch download
2023-12-07 preview image

With this mod, you will no longer have to dismount your horse in order to assemble horse obstacles.

Horse Ranch download
2023-12-02 preview image

Enables the mistletoe kiss only in the winter season.

Seasons download
2023-12-02 preview image

This mod will stop your horses from autonomously spamming 'listen to' interactions on the Sims of your household.

Horse Ranch download
2023-12-02 preview image

Your Sims can now contact an investor by phone to come over. They can then ask for a loan. The small loan option will actually charge your Sim with a 20.000 § debt and is thus suitable if you want to have your Sim "pay" for the money the game gave them as a start budget. The large loan option will grant your Sim a loan of 30.000 §. Interest is 15 % on both types of loans. You can have multiple loans at the same time. Payment, RepoMan Appearance and such is the same as with the University student loans.
Requires: Discover University and City Living
Compatibility Notes: Overwrites the ask for loan options your Sim get when they have a high Charisma skill. Existing loans can be paid back despite the mod being installed. Also overwrites the invite Jasmine Holiday phone interaction (if there should ever be another challenge with Jasmine, just take the mod out as long as you wish to participate. Loans will still function if you take the mod out, you just cannot ask for new loans then.

Discover University download
2023-10-29 preview image

With this mod, adults can also clean their faces, which will give them a small hygiene boost.
You can also get rid of acne struck on your Sims faces when aging up from teenager from young adult by using the interaction.

High School Years download
2023-10-21 preview image

Removes the stinky green foam above venue fridges.

Get to Work download
2023-10-21 preview image

Determine baby gender is always available (for teen+), not only for Sims in the Doctor Carreer.

Get to Work download
2023-08-19 preview image

All BBQ meals do now count towards the BBQ holiday tradition.

Seasons download
2023-08-19 preview image

With this mod, your Sims will be able to care for mini sheep and goats they do not own. They will be able to milk and shear them (though not for Simoleons, only for milk or wool), clean them and feed them.

Horse Ranch download
2023-08-19 preview image

Some of the homeless Sim walkbys in San Myshuno are replaced by stray cats and dogs with this mod

Cats and Dogs download
2023-08-19 preview image

Sims will no longer autonmously brush their cow or lama unless they are actually dirty.

Cottage Living download
2023-08-19 preview image

Disables the more peculiar horse assessories, e.g. cowboy hats and flower crowns, for random.

Horse Ranch download
2023-08-19 preview image

A small mod which replaces the scouting and leaf playing sims and some others with stray cats and dogs. As a result you will see some stray cats an dogs strolling through all neighbourhoods.

Cats and Dogs download
2023-08-19 preview image

Reduces the number of walkbys in the following worlds:
Henford-on-Bagley: rural area and woods
Windenbourg: rural area and island

Cottage Living download
2023-08-13 preview image

Tired of former criminals crowding your neighbourhoods without even being able to change them in CAS? With this mod criminals will turn into ghosts after being convicted and thus are left to culling.

Get to Work download
2023-08-10 preview image

This mod completely disables random weather days for those who do not want their Sims subdued to heatwaves and snow on the very same day.

Seasons download
2023-08-08 preview image

Makes the effects of NAPs much more subtle. Deactivates stealing during sharing is caring as well as wearing bags.
Each NAP has its own mod package.

Eco Lifestile download
2023-08-04 preview image

Fixes tha bug that sometimes not all Sims on a lot are available for a karaoke duet.

City Living download
2023-08-02 preview image

Removes the daily cooldown for participating in a horse competition.

Horse Ranch download
2023-07-02 preview image

Disables the teeth loss feature from Growing Together.

Growing Together download
2023-07-02 preview image

Toddlers will be able to fulfil the father winter tradition again and will receive more appropriate gifts. Also fixes the canned jar gift sentiment.

Seasons download
2023-07-02 preview image

Restricts some of the confidence buffs ("I believe in me" and the top notch infant one) to their proper age groups and also shortens part of them a bit.

Growing Together download
2023-06-05 preview image

Eure Sims bekommen nicht mehr das gestresste "Nicht genug Training"-Moodlet, wenn sie mit anderen Sims Fuflball spielen.

Discover University download
2023-04-23 preview image

5 small mods that tweak the high school graduation event. Mix and match as you please.

shoefix: All NPC graduates will wear neutral black shoes to the event.
blackrobes: All NPC graduates will wear black robes and hats.
outfitfix: Other NPC-Sims than graduates will wear their regular formal attire to the event instead of some randomly generated outfits.
noaging: The game will not age up graduates to young adults. There are two versions of the outfitfix part. If you install
outfitfix_allformal, all Sims will wear their formal wear and you obviously won't need to install the shoefix and blackrobes modules.
valedictorian speech fix: Makes the practise valedictorian speech option at the mirror distinguishable from practising charisma even if your Sim is socially akward or confident.

High School Years download
2023-04-16 preview image

Roommates will be less likely to flood dorms with meals. They'll also bring medium sized meals and different food dishes (no lobster). There's a second package that reduces the likelihood of roomates leaving garbage everywhere.

Discover University download
2023-03-14 preview image

Toddlers can now fulfill the waterfun tradition by playing in the ocean.

Island Living download
2023-03-14 preview image

Sims will directly change into their winterwear when heading to go sledding togehter instead of first running there with whatever they wear at the moment. Moreover, Sims will change into their winterwear when you choose the regular or goofy pose at the snowsportsslope.

Snowy Escape download
2023-03-10 preview image

Hides the disturbing visible effects of all lot traits.
Version 2 also changes some of the buffs to happy (child play and fast internet) and fixes the annoyant convival lot buff.

City Living download
2022-11-27 preview image

Makes bees less annoying/irritated.

Seasons download
2022-11-27 preview image

resolutionstweak_alwaysenabled: Your Sims will always have to option to make a resolution.
resolutionstweak_6daysonly: Reduces the time to fulfil a resolution to 6 days (mainly for people playing rotationally). Also fixes the loose weight and get fit resolution.

Seasons download
2022-10-01 preview image

The pier attactions will no longer be available for free with this mod.

High School Years download
2022-10-01 preview image

Replaces the gardening related goals for the scientist career as these cannot be fulfilled anyway since long.

Get to Work download
2022-10-01 preview image

Unlocks the more followers resolution for Sims who don’t pursue the Social Media Career.

City Living download
2022-10-01 preview image

Removes the white outline from the High School whiteboard.

High School Years download
2022-09-02 preview image

Decorating lots takes effect immediately and is also possible on unowned lots.

Seasons download
2022-09-02 preview image

Sims can now actually resume the extreme sports enthusiast aspiration by getting the positive buffs from successfully completing the expert slope. It is hard to get these buffs, but if you manage, it will count towards the aspiration (and not only when you get that buff during icy conditions or a snow storm, which is the case atm).

Snowy Escape download
2022-08-14 preview image

Prom will take 6 hours instead of 4.

High School Years download
2022-07-18 preview image

Disables the red visible sunburn effect.

Island Living download
2022-06-05 preview image

Your Sims can now assign tasks to their retail employees without having to go and talk to them first.

Get to Work download
2022-05-07 preview image

Walking your dog will lead to a slight fat loss for your Sim.

Cats and Dogs download
2022-04-30 preview image

Pets will now be able to try for baby with other pets that aren't in the same household.

Cats and Dogs download
2022-02-26 preview image

With this mod, every Sim that is a child or older can join the soccer team. Please bear in mind that adult Sims are not able to join the soccer team and have a full time job at the same time.
The motives module tweaks the at work actions so the activity will be a bit less stressful.

Discover University download
2022-02-25 preview image

Adds an instant refill pet food bowl cheat when you shift click on food bowls. Requires testingcheats enabled for some players.

Cats and Dogs download
2022-02-16 preview image

Cats will be more likely to hunt mice. Also reduces the chances for bad moodlets due to mice for Sims with certain traits and/or if there is a cat in the household to take care of the mice.

Cats and Dogs download
2022-02-05 preview image

Sims will no longer be obsessed with taking selfies while hiking.

Snowy Escape download
2022-01-08 preview image

Makes the hidden temperature and weather preference traits visible.

Seasons download
2022-01-06 preview image

Changes the emotional mindfulness moodlet from +4 fine to +2 happy.
With the alternate version of the mod, your Sims motives will also not decay as slowly as tuned by EA.
Only install one verison.

Snowy Escape download
2021-10-30 preview image

Repairs the in game options to remove a lifestyle so that your Sims will not longer be bothered by moodlets for lifestyles the already got rid off.

Snowy Escape download
2021-10-03 preview image

Tweaks the brush pet interaction so that it will take longer, but completely fills your pet's hygiene need

Cats and Dogs download
2021-10-03 preview image

With this mod, not all sims will get a stressed/sad moodlet while inside during a thunderstorm. For instance, most children and toddlers will fear thunderstorms, but wild toddlers or loud children (childhood phase) won't. On the contrary, only few adults will fear thunderstorms - there are exeptions for e. g. squeamisch sims, Sims who hate rain or wind, though.

Seasons download
2021-09-08 preview image

Cottage animals will live longer with this mod.

Cottage Living download
2021-08-13 preview image

Reduces the text spam while playing in Henford-on-Bagley.

Cottage Living download
2021-08-12 preview image

Canned goods will fill your Sims hunger need better

Cottage Living download
2021-08-11 preview image

Rabbits and chickens will no longer kill Sims when they attack.

Cottage Living download
2021-08-09 preview image

Stops rabbits from aging.

Cottage Living download
2021-08-05 preview image

Deactivates the holiday singing social as Sims always randomly choose a song which doesn't fit the holiday theme.

Seasons download
2021-08-05 preview image

Sims will no longer play ping pong autonomously on residential lots.

Discover University download
2021-07-31 preview image

Version 1 disables the ghost pets that appear near the light house completely.
Version 2 only stops the generation of new ghost strays on the lighthouse lot. If you already have ghost strays, they will still show up to haunt the place.

Cats and Dogs download
2021-07-29 preview image

Disables aging for foxes.

Cottage Living download
2021-07-24 preview image

Ghosts will no longer stroll through your neigbourhoods on holidays with the mourning tradition.

Seasons download
2021-07-24 preview image

Your game will randomly create townies walking around with a bowl of ice cream in SanMyshuno. Required: Cool Kitchen StuffPack

City Living download
2021-07-24 preview image

The landlord will no longer tell your sims to not call him when he´s not needed when he actually was.

City Living download
2021-07-16 preview image

Unfortunately, the eco sunrays and aurora borealis are completly broken at the moment and cause severe lag. That's why I finally decided to completely disable those effects.
I'm well aware that there is already a similar mod available on MTS, but as this one marks uploaded lots in the galery as using CC, I decided to share my own version which does not have this flaw.

Eco Lifestile download
2021-05-24 preview image

Fixes a bug where fasting will be reset to the initial 6 hours each time you travel with your Sim.

Seasons download
2021-05-22 preview image

Lightning will no longer break or destroy objects with this mod (rain remains unaffected, there are already mods dealing with that issue).

Seasons download
2021-04-22 preview image

Sims will no longer get attacked by critters during hiking trails.

Snowy Escape download
2021-04-17 preview image

Makes the homesick moodlet visible and also stops it from constantly popping up.

Snowy Escape download
2021-04-08 preview image

Leafpiles will not decay in freshness.

Seasons download
2021-04-01 preview image

Sims will no longer obsess with the heater, expecially not while sitting and doing something else.

Snowy Escape download
2021-03-31 preview image

Tweaks the star rating at the vet clinic so you will be actually able to achieve five stars with a decent skilled vet.

Cats and Dogs download
2021-03-05 preview image

Makes the hidden political position trait visible for those who tend to forget their Sims political position (like me).

City Living download
2021-02-22 preview image

Sims with the adventurous will get bored less often when performing an activity that is linked to a skill that they are already quite good at.

Snowy Escape download
2021-01-16 preview image

Pets will no longer get in heat.

Cats and Dogs download
2021-01-02 preview image

Sims will no longer get playful from disobeying footware rules.

Snowy Escape download
2020-12-30 preview image

All thermostat interaction have immediate effect with this mod and can be done by children and toddlers as well.
If you use version 2, the thermostat will work even if power is turned off because your Sims haven't paid the bills

Seasons download
2020-12-26 preview image

Patients will sit down while waiting to be checked in. This is a very small and simple mod by disign. If you´re looking for a more in depth-overhaul of the Doctor career, be sure to check out coolspearls Mod over at Naughty Sims Asylum.

Get to Work download
2020-12-06 preview image

Tweaks the shared sadeness buff a little so that Sims will not always get sad from every negative emotion any family member might temporarily have, spreading like a disease.

Snowy Escape download
2020-12-01 preview image

Robotic parts can now be bought from the computer.

Discover University download
2020-11-26 preview image

When your Sims are hiking, their motives will decay slower.

Snowy Escape download
2020-11-14 preview image

Contains three seperate mods that will let your mermaids fulfill all their needs without having to leave the water: They will be able to pee in the water (normal Sims can do it also if their bladder is low and they arenít neat), fulfill their hunger motive by freediving and fulfill their social need faster by interacting with dolphins.

Island Living download
2020-10-31 preview image

Disables the visible effects of scented flower arrangements.

Seasons download
2020-06-06 preview image

This mod stops dirt from spawning in the Island living world.

Island Living download
2020-06-06 preview image

Freezing Sims won’t turn blue (only disables the visual effect).

Seasons download
2020-06-05 preview image

Disables the Chalet Gardens ghost couple.

Get Together download
2020-03-20 preview image

Disables the advertising popups for enrollment and scholorships.

Discover University download
2020-02-10 preview image

Sims will no longer autonomously choose to be rude towards cats and dogs just because they don't have to cat/dog lover traits. Only mean Sims will remain rude towards pets they don't know.

Cats and Dogs download
2020-01-08 preview image

Two mods to make the denizenpond less deathly. One excludes sprites and kois from being deathly.
The other one disables potentially deathly interactions from beeing done autonomously. Use separately or in combination.

Get Famous download
2019-12-28 preview image

Reduces the time stays walkbys will stay in a neighbourhood before leaving from 6 hours two 2 hours.

Cats and Dogs download
2019-12-22 preview image

The negative buffs Sims get from not having a group meeting will be instantly removed by starting one.

Get Together download
2019-12-22 preview image

Aliens don't get alien mood buffs anymore so they are not exposed anymore by their mood buffs.

Get to Work download
2019-12-10 preview image

Outburstt’s vet clinic mods are no longer available, so I have been asked to update them. There are three: Customers always give five stars, customers wait forever and very statisfied vet clinik employees with unlimited working time.

Cats and Dogs download
2019-11-03 preview image

Disables the visible effects for ice and roller skating with high skill level.

Seasons download
2019-10-26 preview image

Sims will no longer create puddles when using the jump stand. That way, you can now use jumpstands in pools without your Sims constantly complaining about the puddles and feeling uncomfortable.

Get Together download
2019-09-16 preview image

No cooldown between regulations.

Island Living download
2019-08-11 preview image

Replaces the swimming pool picture for some moodlets gained from swimming with other pictures that are more appropriate for ocean swimming.
There are two versions, the one shown on the preview picture requires City Living.

Island Living download
2019-07-25 preview image

Reduces strenght and duration of the moodlets your Sims get after a successful holiday.

Seasons download
2019-05-31 preview image

Enhances the probabilties of Sims autonomously listening to a speech given at the podium that came with City Living. Sims will also sit and gain Charisma while watching a speech.

City Living download
2019-05-19 preview image

Sims will gain reputation at a slower rate. Reputation loss remains untouched.

Get Famous download
2019-04-28 preview image

Disables the visual effects while singing karaoke.

City Living download
2019-01-26 preview image

A fix for the bug that pets that ate the wellness-treat or got a preventative shot get an anxious moodlet over and over agein. Pets that already show that bug can be cured by another wellness-treat or a preventative shot. Wellness-Treats and prevantative shots will also be more effectvie.

Cats and Dogs download
2019-01-13 preview image

Paparazzis will no longer appear on lots with the no trespassing lot trait.

Get Famous download
2018-12-30 preview image

Toddlers will no longer use umbrellas.

Seasons download
2018-11-18 preview image

Disables the highlights around styling objects when working as an actor.

Get Famous download
2018-11-18 preview image

Completely deactives the fame shine.

Get Famous download
2018-11-14 preview image

Repairs the deliver baby task in the doctor career.

Get to Work download
2018-10-19 preview image

Disables the self made guitar and violin from being used at the performance stage.

City Living download
2018-07-20 preview image

Completely disables alien abductions.

Get to Work download
2018-07-19 preview image

Nukes the text messages that inform you about the outcome of a holiday.

Seasons download
2017-11-21 preview image

Removes the glow from pet eyes.

Cats and Dogs download
2017-11-12 preview image

Deletes the orange higlights around the vet podium when you visit the vet.

Cats and Dogs download
2017-10-06 preview image

Deletes the orange higlights around computers, curry and punchfountains at festivals.

City Living download
2017-09-17 preview image

Disables the alien mood glow.

Get to Work download
2017-09-10 preview image

Sims will no longer glow after drinking festival teas.

City Living download
2017-09-03 preview image

Sims will no longer refill all their needs when giving birth in hospital.

Get to Work download
2017-06-25 preview image

Patients at hospitals will no longer show the ugly blue/red heart above their heads that ruins screenshots.

Get to Work download
2017-06-04 preview image

Gets rid of the visual effects when sims interact with the DJ-booth.

Get Together download
2017-05-20 preview image

Murals do not decay.

City Living download